Parshat Sh’lach l’cha
Parshat Sh’lach l’cha Complaints come in all kinds of shapes. “If only I were …” or I should have … “ It comes from a perspective that focuses on what is missing, who sees what has not been done, and diminishes what has been done. It shrinks and prevents the flow and expansion of energy. […]
Parshal B’ha’aloteycha
The portion of the week Be’haloteycha opens with reference to light (,אור in Hebrew, ‘or’) Speak to Aharon and tell him, raise the candles onto the front of menorah, let the seven candles cast their light. (Bamidbar, 8, 1-3) And it ends with a reference to the skin (עור, also ‘or’ in Hebrew) “And […]
Parshat Naso
Parshat Naso The narrative of SOTA – the perverted woman — which is at the center of NASO portion reading of the week, is one of the most disturbing stories for the modern reader, especially in our era where the issue of the status of women is uniquely sensitive. The gist of […]
Parshat Bamidbar

Parshat Bamidbar Finally, we return to the narrative that was halted in the Book of Exodus. We return to the story — Returning to the journey, on the way to the Promised Land. But wait! What’s going on here? It is very difficult to locate a thread of a story. The episode begins with: […]
Parshat Behar

Parshat Behar To lead or to be lead? The portion of “Be’har” which is read together with “B’chukotai” discusses two important issues: The year of the sh’mita (to let the land rest, to let go its agricultural cultivation, to give it freedom every 7 years) And the Yovel — the Jubilee year (freeing all […]
Parshat Aharey Mot-Kedoshim

The portion describes, among other things, a shamanic ceremony of choosing two goats: One of them takes on the role of bearing the sins of the people and is sent to the wilderness; the other is offered as a sacrifice to God. Before you continue reading, I suggest you stop for a […]
Parshat Tazria-Metsorah

The Tazria-Metsorah portion of the week is particularly challenging. It describes situations in which a person is prevented from entering the tabernacle / holy place for a certain period of time. The two portions focus on a large system of shamanic rituals, with a specific purification ritual for each case that […]
Parshat Shemini

His heart was pounding fast; the first time is always exciting. The situation stressed him out a little. He was fully present, and followed exactly the instructions, with complete intention and without distractions — and yet he did not succeed. He tried again and nothing happened. Then, it seemed to him that he heard […]
Parshat Tzav and the burning Bush

Dedicated to my father’s Yartzite Parashat Tzav describes the ordination ceremony of Aharon and his sons to the office of priesthood, and their anointing with the anointing oil before their first appearance as priests before the people and the precise instructions they must observe regarding each type of sacrifice: “Olah”-ascendant, “Chatat”-sin, “Asham”-guilt, “Shleymim”- […]
Parshat Vaykrah: Why him and not me?

Parshat Vayikra Last week we finished reading the Book of Exodus. The last scene was: “And the glory of the Lord filled the Tabernacle [the portable sanctuary]” and “Moses was not allowed to go into the part of the Tabernacle known as the ‘Ohel Moed’, because the Holy Cloud dwelled within it”. […]