- Learn a new "language" that opens the communication with the subconscious in a playful and fun way
- Motivate creativity and spontaneity in a role play with the story of Rabbi Nachman's tale
- Connect through your body to one of the basic philosophical theories of J.L Moreno, founder of the psychodrama: The Canon of Creativity
- Examine your place on the continuum between creativity and conformity
- Promote intrapersonal communication with yourself and interpersonally with others
- Meet people from your "tribe" who will testify your work and will serve as a safe, supportive and empowering container
Sounds Interesting?
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Photo Credit: Dikla Laor - Biblical Photography
Dear Tamar, Thank you for your rare gift. The story you chose invited us to dive into the depths of ourselves..to experience and also to learn and think. It was fun and deep and multi-dimensional. Thank you so much
“Tamar Pelleg has a gift of wisdom, sensitivity and deep insight for engaging with text not only with the mind, but also from the heart, in an inspiring and safe environment. As a psychologist and participant, I was impressed by how skillfully she guides people into a cleared illumination of their own life’s journey through an experimental immersion into text based Bibliodrama.”
“Tamar Pelleg skillfully brings her experience with groups, literature and Torah to her work, along with a commitment to participatory, interactive learning. She is accomplished and knowledgeable in Bibiliodrama, and has a passion to share it with others.”
Dr. Peter PitzzeleFounder of Bibliodrama