This workshop on the story of Joseph and his multi colored tunic touches on the topic of challenging relationships (parents-children, siblings, rivalries, competition and more). It will allow you to observe relationships in your own life through the kaleidoscope of the story and bring to the surface topics that asks for new observation and healing.
During the workshop we will step into the shoes of various characters from the Saga of Joseph and open the door to an inner personal dialogue that will reveal something new to us about the story and about ourselves.
Taking different roles from the dramatic story will allow you to “leave” yourself for a moment, release a grip from defenses, gain insights indirectly: you will be able to look into a mirror of your relationships from a fresh angle and identify places that seeks healing.
After the workshop you will be able to:
- Identify what is the multi-colored tunic in your own life
- Find out who was the "man in the field" in your own life that the encounter with him influenced the course of your journey
- Get inspired by how to get out of the pit (darkness) into the light